Super Juice

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Super Juices F.A.Q.'s

Is it calorie free?


Is it caffeine free?


Is it sugar free?

Yes, sweetened with stevia.

Any potential negative side effects? (e.g. increasing blood pressure)

None, of which we are aware.

Can the product be taken at anytime during the day?

Yes, anytime.

Can the product be taken alone or needs to be taken with food other drink?

Alone is fine.

Is there any consumer studies to back up benefit claims?

All structure/function claims can be substantiated in the scientific literature.

Is this product unique in the marketplace?

Yes; (a unique and proprietary blend of ingredients).

How long do you need to take the product to realize benefits?

Some people will feel benefits shortly after their first drink. Others may need a few days or weeks. This product should be used daily in conjunction with a multi-mineral/vitamin supplementation program.

How often does dosage need to be taken to realize benefits? (i.e. multiple times per day, daily, weekly)

As a baseline product, Super Juice should be taken daily to maintain antioxidant and energy levels in the blood.

What is “Super Juice the Fountain of Youth” and the benefits of taking this product?

This proprietary Anti-Aging 2oz Vitality beverage has 29 super fruits, vegetables and amino acids. This Antioxidant plus beverage neutralizes free radicals and energizes cells. It eliminates the need to take 20+ pills and numerous ounces of liquid daily. In addition, is has an enhanced delivery system for bioavailability.
  • Antioxidant powerhouse (neutralizes free radicals);
  • Detoxification and immune system support;
  • Skin regeneration support
  • Relaxation support;
  • Weight control support;
  • Mobility and joint flexibility support;
  • Nurtures and supports healthy hair;
  • Supports and promotes your sense of well being;
  • Micro-circulation and cellular nutrition support;
  • Protein synthesis.
Good health starts with vital and healthy cells that function efficiently. Super Juice the Fountain of Youth supports your cells to help them do their job.

What flavors will it come in?


Is there a max dosage?

No. The best protocol: 3x daily for two weeks; then at least once daily.

What is the recommended dosage?

One bottle per day.

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